Open Call 2013: OPEN
International Open Call for musicians and sonic performers reflecting and working around the voice as its main instrument. We have an special interest in all the possibilities of the voice and its extended forms & infinite techniques.
We recommend to look deeply our catalogue to have a clear idea of the perspective within we do things.
If you check our catalogue you can realize our constant interest in vocal manifestations.
Until now we published already documentation and works in collaboration with Mat Pogo, Ute Wassermann, Joke Lanz [Sudden Infant], Phil Minton & Ute Wassermann (included in Ute's compilation), Jaap Blonk, Tomomi Adachi, Fátima Miranda, David Moss, Kusum Normoyle, Audrey Chen (at our lovely Quota series: Female Soloists in Berlin), and in the mexican compilation: Juan Pablo Villa, Dora Juárez Kiczkovsky, Iraida Noriega, Carmina Escobar, Cacophonic Joy; or even the extreme singers of Batalj and Divorce, among others.
Yes, we love voice!, and what we are searching is listed above as reference, but we are completely open for surprises. So don't hesitate and send us your own vocal reflections and conclusions.
We want to built a new archive of people working with voice, vocal cords, throat, lungs, nose and cranial cavity, all that enable sound by the inner voice.
IMPORTANT: We are not interested in field recordings of people singing, talking and/or sound art adaptations of vocals if you didn't make the voices, lead them or provoke them...
We are focused in solos, but the duos of voice, chorus, ensembles and even orchestras working with voice exclusively, are well received.
It has to be musically & conceptually justified if somebody submit works where the other performers are not working with vocals.
Deadline Reopened | February 15, 2014
Results | First round: December 20, 2013
Results | Second round: February 20, 2014
Estimated RELEASE DATE | FINAL COMPILATION: February 25-28, 2014
We love history and because of that we want to improve our promotion and research on the following two months to make not just a good compilation of vocal works -is already quite good in fact-
and instead of it, we want to achieve an historical compilation as future reference and inspiration for upcoming artists and curators searching for the most innovative/experimental vocal artists as we have for objective.
- Joachim Montessuis (France)
- Mat Pogo & Jealousy Party (Italy/Berlin)
- Senyawa: Rully Shabara / Wukir Suryadi (Indonesia)
- Antoine Läng (Switzerland)
- Amanda Stewart (Australia)
- ZOO: Rully Shabara / Dimas Budi Satya /Bhakti Prasetyo / Ramberto Agozalie (Indonesia)
- Alice Hui-Sheng Chang (Taiwan/Melbourne)
- SUTT : Sofie Trolde / Utku Tavil (Denmark/Turkey)
- Bly: Ingrid Romarheim Haugen and Helen Louise Solberg (Norway)
- Srosh Ensemble: Henrique Fernandes / João Ricardo / João Martins / Gustavo Costa / Sara Gomes / Susana Chiocca / Loreto Trancoso / Sérgio Bastos / Gil Delindro / Alberto Lopes (Portugal)
- Iris Garrelfs (England)
- Cia Rinne / Sebastian Eskildsen (Sweden/Denmark)
- Pär Thörn (Sweden)
- Rogelio Sosa (Mexico)
- NuN: Corinne Pontier / Julie Zglinski / Carolina Zviebel (France)
- Jenny Barnes (Australia)
- Gabriel Dharmo (Canada)
- Alessandra Eramo (Italy)
- Arrington de Dyonisio (Olympia)
Soon more...
Rules and technical specifications
Please read all the columns and content in this post
We love history and live recordings.
We are focused in live documentation.
We love reality, and is not that to record in your room is not real,
but the feedback of having an audience, and to take the risk going out to perform,
and to share with people what you think, and what you feel is quite important and gives a lot to music.
Another sound approach is given to live recordings... and that's what we want to hear mainly.
In case you decide to send us a professional studio recording, or a home studio recording
we will hear it anyway, but we insist, our main interest is live recordings in venues,
or, in the case is not a venue, then we want to think it was an special decision coming from you,
because the acoustic of that cave in the top of the mountain crossing the sea in that desert island was amazing...
or also because the sound in that empty old factory with such amazing armonics and echoes, where some amazing stuff happened and that's why you choose the space, is not comparable to any mastering plug-in...
IMPORTANT: We are not interested in field recordings of people singing, talking and/or sound art adaptations of vocals if you didn't make the voices, lead them or provoke them...
Add in the subject VOIX BRUTES_your name
Send your track via wetransfer.com .
We don't use dropbox or any other file transfer service
Format: mp3 44,100 Hz 16 bits
Minimum length: 40 seconds
Maximum length: 7 minutes (suggested length: 5 minutes)
If you want to submit different projects, then another artist from the second project has to submit instead of you
Only one project per artist can be submitted.
We accept historic tracks (no matter the year),
but we are also interested on what you are doing right now.
So, is your choice: to show the past or the present.
Include the following info in a text file:
- Name of the artist/s
- Website, blog, soundcloud or fb page in case you have a profile as an artist or group
- email [no matter is included via wetransfer] - Detailed setup, if amplification, analogue devices, granular synthesis, softwares, or secondary instruments.
- We don't know you, so give us a cue. Small curricular biography. [100 words]
- We don't know what you want to say. So, concept and aesthetics around the use of your voice, sound and music. [100 words]
- Where was recorded [city, venue, series, festivals,...]
- When [day, month, year]
Special Credits:
- Recorded by, mixing, mastering... produced by, associate labels
[in case the track was published already include the weblink of the label, archive, or compilation]
- Photography of you performing including the credit of the photographer.
The photography has to be in the highest resolution as possible [ no minor side than 800 pixels; ideal minor side 1024 pixels: 72 dpi, in jpg format ]
Please don´t attach the picture to the text file.
At the end what we want to receive is a mp3 file + a picture + a text file all inside a carpet with your name viawetransfer.com
Please take care and attach carefully all the information listed above in a .txt, .doc, or .pdf format
Help us sending all together as we wish. Let's keep it simple.
VOIX BRUTES · INTERNATIONAL OPEN CALL. Deadline Reopened: February 15, 2014. International Open Call for musicians and sonic performers reflecting and working around the voice as its main ...